The order was made final after lawyers for Amoco and the French parties agreed upon interest payments on the damages.
He became more explicit in the early 1990s, after other anti-Mafia lawyers, policemen and priests had been murdered.
"Looks like we got the same result, with maybe not so many skunks running after high-priced lawyers to keep them out of jail."
The subpoena came two weeks after officials and lawyers of the smaller transit police union were indicted on racketeering charges.
On Wednesday, after lawyers for each unsuccessfully sought to win leniency by blaming another of the men, both sons were in jail.
Regulators have gone after lawyers in a few cases.
The order was passed after lawyers who appeared for Chhattisgarh government were not opposed to the plea.
He can't even allow himself to go after lawyers, those sitting ducks, without telling us he knows some good ones.
And one after another, lawyers, judges and housing officials have been confounded in their attempts to end the disputes.
After lawyers reviewed the questionnaires, 95 people were dismissed.