Because convention business is usually booked years in advance, the hotels' proximity to the center gives them a buffer against swings in the economic cycle.
But often the companies that have been hurt do not hedge - or hedge only minimally - against sudden swings in the dollar's value.
It allowed corporations to protect themselves against swings in interest rates.
Many investors use options in complex arrangements, typically to hedge against sudden swings in the market.
The bank earns fees and the company protects itself against swings in rates.
While funds offer diversification, they do not protect against big swings.
Dynatech, for example, has put two plants in Europe as part of a buffer plan against swings in the dollar.
The companies say that they are closely regulated and have hedged themselves against big swings in rates.
It was intended to protect the firm against wide swings in currency values.
For precisely this reason we must protect our currency against future economic swings with an appropriate legislative framework.