No airline guarantees that a pet going as cargo will travel on the same flight as its owner.
But airlines cannot guarantee the cuts will end while oil prices remain at record levels.
Many airlines now guarantee that you'll find the lowest fare on their own websites, so it may pay to check these out as well, especially to see if any promotional fares are available.
We don't recommend bringing your own board; although some succeed, the airlines won't guarantee carriage, local customs don't always allow temporary import, and our transfer buses don't have room.
Construction started in 1956, but was halted after the airline could not guarantee operations during winter.
Furthermore, American Airlines says the airline does not guarantee its schedules.
Any time an airline guarantees its performance it's something in the public's best interest.
Many airlines now guarantee that you'll find the lowest fare on their own websites, so check these out as well.
Major domestic airlines announced they would try to lease addi- tional planes from other countries, but could not guarantee prior service performance for 3 to 6 months.
The idea was to use the leverage of corporate purchasing power to persuade the airlines to simplify their fare structures and guarantee the price of tickets over the term of a contract.