The analog version of TTL works as follows: when the incoming light hits the film, a part of it is reflected towards a sensor.
There are two forms of this algorithm-an analog version, and a quantized digital version.
In this sense, it was an analog version of error diffusion.
There was also an analog version of But, set for release the week after this single's.
The Motorola MicroTAC was a cellular phone first manufactured as an analog version in 1989.
The analog versions of the two stations remained on Cable One throughout the dispute.
The store journal is an analog version of a wiki.
Knee & Hawksford (1995:3) drew attention to the deficiencies in some early digital recordings, where the digital release was said to be inferior to the analog version.
Thus, another suggestion: If the LCD monitor is to be community property, consider one of the current analog versions.
The analog version of the Frick Photoarchive collection is available during regular Frick Art Reference Library hours.