Mitch Alvo, who owns the company, did not answer calls at his office.
A man who answered the phone at Altima's office declined to comment.
A woman answering the phone at Mr. Randall's office said he was not available.
A woman who answered the telephone at his office said Haagen was away "on an emergency" and could not be reached.
(A woman who answered the phone at the landlord's office today said the system would be fixed by day's end.)
No one answered the phone at John's office.
Eventually she got a job filing and answering the phones at a city marshal's office.
A woman who answered the telephone at the union's office but declined to identify herself said, "He's gone for the day."
A woman who answered the telephone at her lawyer's office in San Francisco said she did not know how to reach the writer.
School officials would have no comment on the case, said a woman who answered the phone at the principal's office.