Daniel's suicide prompted the passage of anti-bullying legislation six months after his death.
The one state without anti-bullying legislation is Montana.
Prior to its passage, North Dakota did not have anti-bullying legislation.
The National School Safety and Security Services questions the motive behind some anti-bullying legislation.
He is opposed to anti-bullying legislation, arguing that it would promote a victim mentality.
Massachusetts state lawmakers have sped up efforts to pass anti-bullying legislation as a result of this incident.
Bachmann has a history of opposing anti-bullying legislation.
Smith has been an outspoken advocate for hate crimes and anti-bullying legislation.
The enhanced anti-bullying legislation also requires school districts to educate staff and volunteers so they can recognize and address instances of bullying.
In efforts to promote national anti-bullying legislation, a "Phoebe's Law" has been proposed.