In addition, the snipers did not have the proper equipment for this anti-terrorism operation.
Operation Apollo, 2002 - Toronto re-deploys to the northern Arabian Sea to conduct operations in the support of anti-terrorism operations.
Given the extremely varied nature of the Treasury Department's responsibilities, you could find yourself working on anything from reviews of bank failures to analyses of anti-terrorism operations.
Flew missions in support of anti-terrorism operations after the 11 Sep 2001 terrorist attack on the U. S.
In Croatia, Special Police serve as special operations forces trained primarily for anti-terrorism operations.
However, they have proved versatile in multiple mission roles and have recently formed an important part of Canada's contribution to anti-terrorism operations.
Mr. Balladur owes a good part of his popularity in opinion polls to the success of that anti-terrorism operation.
Flew missions in support of anti-terrorism operations after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attack on the U.S.
The homemade explosives were "ready for use," said David Veness, the Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner in charge of anti-terrorism operations.
Along with its neighbors in the gulf, Kuwait's strongly pro-Western government has offered qualified support for the American anti-terrorism operation.