Snowmobiles are noisy, antiquated machines that are no longer welcome in our national parks.
A former prisoner reported of accidental deaths every several days in the furniture factory due to antiquated machines and prisoners seldom getting more than five hours of sleep per night.
Groups supporting the lawsuit say blacks were kept from voting by antiquated machines, purges of registration lists that discarded rightful voters and breakdowns in registration.
For three years he studied the collection of antiquated machines that Bondanus had always dismissed as trivial.
Unfortunately for them, however, the computer technology is rapidly replacing antiquated machines, resulting in a great cut in demand for the old craft skills.
Rapidly changing technologies can hinder digital preservationists work and techniques due to outdated and antiquated machines or technology.
The other grad student looked up from the antiquated old machine.
Local governments had little incentive to replace their antiquated machines for decades, until the disputed ballots of Florida exposed their weaknesses.
And when the weather cleared enough for bombers and fighters to fly, there were more of them, and less antiquated machines, than usual.
Silveria Domingo, for example, a 59-year-old widow with little education, runs a sewing center in her home with 14 women working on antiquated machines.