The shell is compressed from side to side in the humped apical portion, but circular in the rest.
The mandibles are finely granulated and sub-opaque, but the apical portion is glossy.
The apical portion of the forewing is dark brown, irregularly patterned with iridescent blue violet.
Shells are compressed with the apical portion curved and the anterior straight.
Before the autumn season, the apical portion of stem is removed along with the whorled leaves.
The underparts are plumbeous (lead-colored) at the base, with ochraceous apical portions.
The forewing length cannot be determined more precisely due to the apical portions of the wings being missing.
This pyramid shape is achieved through tubulin and actin in the apical portion of the cell which constricts as they move.
The forewings are grey-brown with four spots in the apical portion of the costal edge.
They feed primarily in the apical portion of the inflorescence stalk.