The Massachusetts appellate courts issue rescripts to the lower courts; these are the equivalent of mandates in federal appellate practice.
In California, for example, bar certification is offered in family law, appellate practice, criminal law, bankruptcy, estate planning, immigration, taxation and workers' compensation.
These are just some of the changes in the notice which we think will improve appellate practice.
From this information, they believe that in the 1850's Lincoln had the largest appellate practice in central Illinois and probably the largest in the state.
In addition, the Academy files amicus briefs in cases involving issues of appellate practice which are considered to be important.
The basic structure of a moot court competition roughly parallels what would happen in actual appellate practice.
Fuller eventually developed a successful appellate practice and argued many times before the Supreme Court.
Christie specialized in securities law, appellate practice, election law, and government affairs.
He teaches courses in civil procedure and appellate practice, and his research focuses on regulated industries law.
The appellate practice is currently led by Paul M. Smith.