The United States has also applied entomological warfare research and tactics in non-combat situations.
Why don't Harry and his henchmen apply strong-arm tactics from the beginning rather than behave like schoolboys playing spy?
Conversely, Hayes expressed a desire to apply ancient ninja tactics to modern Western society.
In his own direct wireless appeal to the public Baldwin applied more characteristic tactics.
Applying conventional tactics of guerilla warfare, they killed Chinese traitors and collaborators.
"They apply brutal tactics to other human beings."
Cornwell applies such tactics to many facets of the Ripper case.
Japan demonstrated that it could apply Western technology, discipline, strategy, and tactics in an effective war.
There, he applied more offensive tactics which resulted Larios dropping in the 12th round.
Had they been negotiating on Earth, they would have long since given up, declared disgust, applied other tactics; that was not an option here.