The electric carpet is the archetypical example of device used in hazing, and has been, at least popularly, associated with American Freemasonry.
In addition to having discovered a biochemial reaction vital to soil fertility and agriculture, Beijerinck revealed this archetypical example of symbiosis between plants and bacteria.
Many Indo-European languages, though not English, provide archetypical examples of grammatical gender.
The archetypical example is the real projective plane, also known as the Extended Euclidean Plane.
An archetypical example of such federal common law is that relating to disputes between states of the United States.
This iconic velvet painting is considered an archetypical example of kitsch.
The term gravity knife should primarily reference the Fallschirmjaeger-Messer as the archetypical example.
The archetypical example of a boxology is a corporate "org chart", which describes lines of control through the corporation.
These are archetypical examples of neural pathways.
An archetypical example of this progressive synthesis can be seen in the history of group theory.