This will start with working out in more detail the implications for management structures and responsibilities, and for the arrangements governing relations between the different parts of AEA.
A Uniform Grain and Rice Storage Agreement (USGRSA) is the contractual arrangement governing transactions between the Farm Service Agency and private grain storage companies.
Israel is the only nation with which the United States has such a free-trade agreement, the most open arrangement governing bilateral trade.
Different realms have different constitutional arrangements governing who acts in place of the Governor General in the event of his or her death, resignation, or incapacity.
If the materials used are already originating (by virtue of being wholly obtained, by having been sufficiently worked or processed, or by arrangements governing the cumulation of origin) they do not have to satisfy the conditions in this Appendix.
The common characteristic of all land reforms, however, is modification or replacement of existing institutional arrangements governing possession and use of land.
All legislative arrangements governing its activity in the Member States must therefore be subject to the Community's provisions aimed at establishing a single market and eliminating internal borders within the Union.
Above all, it is essential because of the expiry of the ECSC Treaty, which is the legal basis of the previous arrangements governing aid to the coal industry.
Commissioner, the outermost regions, which are the European Union's main producers of bananas, are highly dependent on this product and therefore any modification to the arrangements governing the sector, in particular to the external arrangements, must be taken into account.
As for the specific provisions, I must refer to the amendment concerning Article 22(4) on arrangements governing delegation.