Some knowledge is often required to tell the difference, and the marketing by the art trade can be deceptive.
First he went to Amsterdam, which was the center of the art trade, and then to Germany.
Carleton at the same time continued his interests in the art trade.
All that ended when the stock market collapse of 1987 finally caught up with the art trade and brought it to its knees.
Like Broadway, baseball and big-game hunting, the art trade has always had a season.
"I think the art trade is essential to what museums and collectors do," he said.
The issue of the illicit art trade also factors into the debate.
Even the majority of those in the art trade want to see common resale rights.
Fourthly, the tax could change the nature of competition in the art trade.
In 1817 he opened his own art trade, which he made good business with.