If an established artist intends a work to be on public display they can donate it.
They are worn and aged not by time, but because that was how the artist intended them to look.
The artist sees things in their work, and intends entirely different things than the audience.
These artists intend to provoke; by their terms, they succeed.
Viewers are led to speculate where an artist intends to go with what he or she has gotten down on paper.
The artist surely intended them to be twins of a kind.
It doesn't have to be what the artist intended, it only has to exist in your mind as a possible truth.
This is material the artist failed to sell, chose not to part with or never intended to put on the market.
With this design, the artist intended to make the car look like a typical Peugeot.
The artist intended for landscaping to be a part of the sculpture as well.