At Cooper, doctors typically take turns caring for trauma patients every day.
Somebody at Bryant & Cooper knows and cares about wine.
Brown goes to the airport with instructions to pick someone at random from the crowd, leading Cooper and his team on a wild goose chase.
I used to ask, at Cooper, but they told me it was too complicated for me to understand.
It had been grafted onto the base of his spinal cord back at Cooper.
She looked at Cooper, who was lying on the floor, perfectly still, eyes trained on the pecans.
Gates peered at Cooper as if to understand how a student who had appeared bright only moments before could now be in such trouble.
The communications officer shook her head, looking up at Cooper and brushing a lock of light brown hair from her eyes.
This exhibition, while strong, mostly reiterates the show at Cooper.
Casey glanced at Cooper, who was leaning against the wall in silence.