In a June 2006 radio ad, Spencer attacked national Republicans for not funding his campaign.
Local whites had individually attacked freedmen and white Republicans for three years without repercussion.
At the same time, he vetoed a separate spending bill for some other Federal agencies, attacking Republicans as making "wrong choices."
"We're based on a philosophical and ideological approach to issues, and we attack Republicans as easily as Democrats."
Those same officials have spent the last two days attacking Republicans for risking serious harm with their plans to balance the budget through big cuts in spending.
He relished that position for a time, lustily attacking Republicans as radical when they tried to cut social programs or shut down the Government.
What better way to attract donations, leading Democrats figure, than to attack Republicans for attacking Democrats?
Indeed, the President has passed on opportunities to attack Republicans in Congress for blocking what was, by any measure, a revolutionary change in domestic policy.
He attacked Republicans again on Election Night for trying to curb the rights of legal immigrants.
Wearing white hoods to hide their identity the Klan would violently attack and threaten Republicans.