The attack and its aftermath, combined with an already faltering economy, will have a gruesome effect on the city's budget.
These attacks, combined with other shootings and assassinations, resulted in the first deaths associated with the conflict, in which six APPO supporters were killed.
These attacks, combined with a poorly run campaign by Combs, allowed Chandler to win the Democratic primary by a margin of 18,000 votes.
The attack of Sept. 11, 2001, combined with a punishing local economy and housing costs that are prohibitive for most young people, have made it ever tougher to chase a dream to the big city.
A severe attack of fever at Rome in 1832, combined with overwork, permanently injured his health.
The attacks, combined with the threat of an election as nail-bitingly close as the one in 2000, are taking a toll.
He recovered from his illness and was able to re-commence work, but his second attack, combined with dysentery, proved fatal.
This flanking attack, combined with Miloradovich's frontal assault from Stein, would force the French into a vice; encircled, they would have no option but to surrender-or die.
Though the defenders were protected by field fortifications, a French frontal attack combined with a turning movement rapidly overran the position and routed the Neapolitans with heavy losses.
The concept of a balanced offensive attack combined with the big play potential of the option enticed vast numbers of top-level college teams to include some components of the Nebraska I.