In medieval times, frequent attacks by Mongols posed a permanent threat to the settled population.
Middlesbrough had been at full stretch against Cambridge's direct, high-ball game and their own attack posed little threat in the first half.
Kamikaze attacks posed a serious threat to the "fleet that came to stay" as it supported the conquest of Okinawa.
Militarily, the hit-and-run attacks pose a negligible threat to American and British forces.
Such attacks pose significant risk of injury or death to the vehicle's occupants or at least of incineration of the vehicle.
Even if XSL works against some modern algorithms, the attack currently poses little danger in terms of practical security.
Spear-phishing techniques and targeted attacks pose a unique security problem.
Any attack on a chemical tanker that resulted in a spill could pose difficulties for emergency responders.
Every attack poses new questions which require new answers and pose new challenges that we have to address jointly through concrete action.
That attack posed a genuine threat to the Vermont Democrat and his staff.