And for nearly an hour last night, the audience, mostly filled with athletes and former athletes who live the motto that the strong don't cry, did not.
Although nostalgia was thick in the arena from an audience filled with baby boomers, Simon and Garfunkel didn't try to replicate their younger selves.
The friendly audience, filled with graying voters, rewarded the line with loud applause.
To begin, Bernstein walks to the podium and greets the audience, filled with youngsters, by saying: "It's good to be back after a nice summer.
He could say, "We have too many specialists in medicine and not enough generalists," and an audience filled with specialists would nod in agreement.
Stone's public speeches drew controversy for many reasons, not least of which was that she was a woman speaking to audiences filled with both men and women.
While singing, he sees her amidst the audience filled with the ravenous girls, but she leaves after realizing he has spotted her.
The audience, filled with out-of-towners and high-school children, was hysterical with laughter.
There is an echo-chamber air in audiences, mainly filled with college students, who anticipate the applause lines they know so well.
The former President was the star attraction at the annual National Association of Broadcasters, an audience filled with television personalities and network executives.