Her autistic son died following an epileptic fit at the age of 35.
In the almost 20 years since my own autistic son was born, I have never seen a "recovered" child.
Susan realized her autistic son needed video to help remember what happened during therapy.
But there is a blogger I like to read who has an autistic son.
One of the parents I work for has recently decided to place her 17yr old profoundly autistic son into full time residential care/education.
Our 15-year-old severely autistic son has for the last 13 years been treated within the educational system.
Its mission is to since, about his autistic son to take care of Jake.
One client has a multiple personality and an autistic son.
The film, based on a true story, deals with a young couple struggling to raise an autistic son.
With only one parent there to support all those needs, they may not have time to take their autistic son.