I am avoiding deciding about my own vote as long as I can.
"Other times the recall enables the governor to avoid deciding a difficult question."
One legal expert said today's actions indicated that the Court would avoid deciding whether the Constitution limits punitive awards unless a conflict develops among lower courts.
Only last spring the House used the resignation of Speaker Jim Wright as an excuse to avoid deciding when a favor from a legislator's friend becomes an impermissible gift.
The impact of Quanta is problematic, largely because the decision avoided deciding many issues, presumably in the interest of maintaining consensus.
The Court avoided deciding whether flag burning was protected by the First Amendment, and instead overturned the conviction based on Street's oral remarks.
The courts do everything in their power to avoid deciding political issues, questions of the balance of power between Congress and the President.
Turbay, despite pressure from military and political sectors, avoided deciding to solve the crisis through the use of direct military force, and instead eventually agreed to let the M-19 rebels travel to Cuba.
The Charter Commission avoided deciding who should make decisions.
The court avoided deciding that issue last year, in a case concerning a Mexican citizen on death row in Texas, and it avoided the question on Wednesday as well.