Here are the results of some opinion polls over the past year.
"If you buy now, the market could move 100 points either way on the opinion polls."
In the summer of 1991, some opinion polls showed more than 10% support for the party.
He couldn't believe that the opinion polls had been so wrong.
He could also be talking about his standing in opinion polls.
"Would you believe I've got the public opinion polls to back me up?"
But no one here needs an opinion poll to learn that.
How can help him turn this from an opinion poll to a science project?
He soon became very popular, being among the top in opinion polls.
Recent public opinion polls show that the race between the two men may be very close.
By law, the results of new opinion surveys cannot be reported in the local press less than 15 days before the election.
One recent opinion survey said about 70 percent of Germans support his campaign.
America to field the first national public opinion survey of Hispanics on health and research issues.
The agency did this through public opinion surveys throughout the world.
Still, many opinion surveys suggest that he could not win even 35 percent.
Opinion surveys show relatively few are ready to do this.
Up to 80 percent of Americans support term limits, according to the opinion surveys.
Consumers are beginning to notice, according to some public opinion surveys.
Opinion surveys place them in the front ranks of public concern about the environment.
But most opinion surveys still put him in fifth place among the six Republican candidates, with less than 5 percent of the vote.