A bomb, or the potential to build one, is the only card a starving, bankrupt state like North Korea has to play, the theory goes.
But the western state governors had feared that the bankrupt new states would take most of the money.
The public might welcome tax inspectors striking, but it would concentrate the minds of a near bankrupt state.
Sadly, sales of the game will not raise the billions needed to bail out bankrupt states - it is being given away free.
In addition, the bankrupt state could no longer meet its obligations welfare, education, health and justice.
The new government inherited a bankrupt state.
Stein was now for a time virtually dictator of the reduced and nearly bankrupt Prussian state.
If the bankrupt states remain in the euro area, this will mark the beginning of the end for the euro.
Dubuclet took financial charge of a bankrupt state.
The end of the war greatly eased the English government's near bankrupt financial state.