Check out our quiz to learn more about this beautiful canyon.
Raphaela surveyed the long expanse of the beautiful canyon.
The trek now enters the Alpine Zone, following the river through a beautiful canyon - after quite a boggy start to the walk the walking surface soon becomes scree.
Draining the lake would reveal the beautiful canyon underneath, but destroy the ecosystem that thrives there now.
"But you'll spoil all the beautiful canyon hauling out the clay," Saxon cried with alarm.
Our nerves were almost a wreck already, but we lived through it and late the next day we came down below the clouds into a beautiful canyon.
Between the three mountains extends what some call the most beautiful canyon in Europe: the Radika gorge.
It was a lonely, mournful-looking morning, but when I reached the beautiful canyon of the St. Vrain, the sad blue became brilliant, and the sun warm and scintillating.
She was born and grew up in San Francisco, and took the name Canyon Sam as a teenager after having a dream "about a beautiful canyon".
The Natural Reservation of The Sighiştel Valley is a major tourist attraction, the valley having a beautiful and wild canyon and numerous caves.