Breaking that habit is the pressing challenge before local officials and children's advocates.
Represents the industry before elected officials and regulatory bodies.
Today's Columns President Reagan played well before top financial officials and bankers from around the world.
The remaining 280,000 failed to appear before officials despite several appeals to do so.
Several hours passed before officials discovered what had happened.
This situation is delineated in the play's opening scene, which proceeds to the admiral's trial before the governor and other officials.
But once again, Mr. Green is credited for bringing health care issues into focus, often before other public officials.
But eight months passed before officials released his body for burial, said his daughter, Theresa Johnson.
Secondly, the Roman court system features heavily in the later chapters when Paul is brought to trial before several different officials.
The military effectively provided aid for their immediate needs, though, and help arrived before local officials requested aid.