It's difficult to avoid the conclusion that this bias is leading directly to the demise of network news in this country.
The biases in information processing can lead to dysfunctional beliefs.
This bias leads to oversimplifications in the attribution of causes.
But the agency's political bias toward oil-consuming nations sometimes leads it to produce assessments that some consider unrealistic.
Intra-household bias in food distribution leads to nutritional deficiencies among female children.
This bias may lead to be over suspicious about the real intentions and motives that other people have when they interact with us.
Choice-supportive bias leads to an increased liking of one's choices, including purchases.
A bias in strategic interest may lead to ignoring alternative avenues of promising urban development.
The bias can lead to an over- or underrepresentation of the corresponding parameter in the population.
This bias has led to changes in the perception of global warming since 2000.