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(dropping the "Guess" after the first show), bombed after three episodes in 1952.
The redeveloped Ford Trafford Park Factory was bombed only a few days after its opening in May 1941.
Tokyo was bombed repeatedly after November 1944 as the Americans opened air bases in the Mariana Islands that were in range.
Iraqi television was bombed off the air 10 days after the start of the war on Jan. 17.
In Baghdad, the restaurant was bombed after a six-day military sweep against insurgents in Husayba, a western city.
It was heavily bombed before and after the war.
They escaped on a British warship and spent the rest of the war being bombed out of one flat after another in London.
The new Ford factory producing aircraft engines was bombed only a few days after its opening in May 1941.
It was bombed after one year, suffering a diagonal gash down the middle.
Nagasaki was bombed three days after Hiroshima, before the Japanese had time to understand the damage and respond.