This book is based on David's autobiography he penned before he died in 2006 and supported by a host of legal reports, interviews and confidential films.
The original proposals contemplated only 200 copies, but 301 were subscribed for, and the list shows that the book was supported by leading antiquaries and printers.
Although his books were well researched and supported by footnotes, they were not generally presented in a rigorous academic style.
The book is supported by a blog,
The book received acclaim and was supported by fans.
Despite Emanuel's assertion, the book is supported by a plethora of notes filling 50 pages.
The book is supported, edited and assembled by me.
The book has been both criticised and supported by scientists.
His writing and his book were never officially supported by Lowell Observatory.
The books are sold online through the Wildfire Publishing website, and are supported by educational organizations and schools.