The comic book has been re-printed several times, and also translated in multiple languages.
The book surveyed and synthesized the large, complex body of research on moral development and translated it for the general public.
As a result, the book translated scientific arguments into chatty layman's language.
His books have translated to many languages.
I'm not sure how well such a fantastic and uniquely written book will translate onto the big screen (or onto film at all, actually).
The book was re-published numerous times and translated into a number of languages.
The books of Constantine are either by him or translated from Arabic.
The book will then translate itself, possibly into English, or perhaps into whatever the reader's language might be.
Start reading the book early, finish late, translate the thing into Klingon as you go-I don't care.
Only few books survived because the Persian scholars were left with no choice but to quickly translated them into Arabic in order to save them.