The book underscores the frustration of famine relief organizations in trying to deal with governments cynical enough to use starvation as both photo opportunity and military tactic.
The regulatory officials deserve a share of the blame, however, as the books underscore.
The book, through various other narratives, underscores the point that the people are to live in dignity.
And both books underscore the author's reportorial familiarity with the daily bump and grind of politics and his more tentative command of imaginative fiction.
The book underscores the profound differences in the presentation of music between different eras.
Your reviewer said the book underscores the role of "fuzzy intelligence."
As a whole, the book underscores Mann's commitment to following her personal, local interests, unafraid if she runs headlong into taboos.
His book on Kūkai underscores Kūkai's impact on 9th century Japanese society.
May I suggest that you also read this book over: keep it by your bed: underscore the parts that apply to your problems.
Although baby-boomer nostalgia is driving much of their popularity, the books underscore a more fundamental and enduring shift in society.