Finding to his surprise that he seemed to have an aptitude, Driscoll had borrowed a leaf from Colman's book and started reading up about the subject.
The result (to borrow Christopher Curtis Mead's term from his 1991 book on Garnier) was an "architecture of empathy."
His advisers expressed incredulity at learning that Mrs. Clinton had borrowed a page from Mr. D'Amato's book.
The title of his weighty tome (hundreds of cases are cited, but with notable clarity) quite frankly borrows from Parrington's book.
A 2006 film "Spleen," written by Eric Bomba-Ire, borrowed its title from Baudelaire's book of prose poems.
The main themes of the third chapter are borrowed from Dawkins' own book, The Blind Watchmaker.
According to , all subsequent histories of Mysore have borrowed heavily from Wilks's book for their pre-1760 content.
Maybe Tom had fabricated it all himself, using images borrowed from Nicholson's book.
Mr Clinton borrowed a leaf from Ronald Reagan's book by running a curtain-raiser in a TV address broadcast live on Monday night.
I made him up, or borrowed him from someone else's book.