It was wonderful to watch him controlling these bright but sub-human creatures with barks and singing cries that were to me quite unintelligible.
They paused a few paces away from the bright creatures, and both made little bows of greeting in unison.
After all, birds and fish could do it, and they weren't the brightest creatures on the planet.
She barely glanced at the bright creatures.
What had that bright, fierce creature to do with an old house that needed sweeping, an old man who needed looking after?
This, then, should be the end of them; as far as he could tell, demons were not bright creatures and acted the moment they saw reason to.
There he found a bright, nearly transparent little creature flitting about his living room.
It is populated by a race of bright, two-legged creatures.
Fluttering daintily on gossamer wings, the bright blue creature hovered before him.
He slid the bright green creature on to the edge of the small hole still left in the wall, and held it there.