Blue Mountain Entertainment is a local arts organization which provides funding to bring cultural performances to Monticello throughout the year.
November brought more erratic performances for United.
He was in a special love with team's fans and was bringing very good performances.
I, for one, prefer this philosophy to the "one size fits all" approach that brings you listless performances like those given by recent guest conductors.
The organization was established to bring dance training, performance opportunities and performances to the Lane County area.
One uses technology to bring old performances into the present.
Mr. Wilker also began thinking about bringing live performances of all kinds to the Internet.
The media explosion brought on by the internet brings performances within the reach of anyone, children included.
From early May to mid-August, the months surrounding the festival proper bring performances, workshops and film and video screenings.
The 50's brought performances in East Germany, under the direction of Kurt Masur.