Finch's sustainability plan further calls for reducing the total number of vehicle miles traveled in the city, mainly by building "complete streets."
In recent years, Federal stimulus money was invested into the neighborhood to build new streets, lighting, trees, and contribute to safety.
Decades ago, private developers built substandard streets without proper foundations, city officials say.
Dredge materials from the area's abandoned gold mines were used to build streets at the Camp.
Late in 1926 a bond issue of $287,000 was passed to build streets, sidewalks, a town hall, a water system, and fire protection.
It enabled to build new, broad streets as well as a new airport.
Some municipalities have built "fake streets" which look like real ones but are meant only for pilota games.
This is a city that wants to add tens of thousands of jobs, but we can't continue to build streets and roads.
You cannot build streets over rivers, however building a road or railway over a river automatically creates a bridge.
The society build excellent streets and sewage system with the help of World Bank.