SBDCs are required by law to offer general business assistance to any company that contacts them for help.
Working with McClain and Wilson, he received financial advice and business assistance.
Other government websites may be more suitable for personal needs, student loans, small business assistance, or other business opportunities such as government contracting.
In order to attract development to downtown, this organization provides business assistance and other incentives to local business owners who locate their facilities within the zone.
The residents of the region are being shortchanged, and need better federal support for job creation, tourism promotion, small business assistance, health care, and seniors.
He did his research, knew the industry, hired experienced staff, and sought out business assistance.
For small business assistance or to volunteer to become a SCORE member, call 320-240-1332.
Microenterprise Development services traditionally include business technical assistance or short-term training, credit in the form of micro-loans, and, if applicable, a revolving loan fund.
Taxes on oil flowing through the pipeline were spent on low-interest loans, grants, and business assistance that poured money into the city.
Is there any business assistance available in my area?