It did my heart good to see you reject the crude argument that we can't raise taxes because business will flee.
Even as other businesses fled - Campbell itself shut down a manufacturing plant in 1990 - the company tried to breathe life into the town.
If one state clearly has more relaxed standards, then businesses might flee to those states.
In recent times, such businesses have fled the area, and since the mid-1980's art galleries have become its most prominent tenants.
They often calmly ride out political and economic crises that other businesses flee.
When other businesses fled Main Street and headed to the malls during the 1970s, his downtown jewelry store stayed put.
Schools shut down, businesses closed and just about everyone fled to safety.
The community grew poorer as the businesses fled to the suburbs, beyond the reach of inner-city residents.
As local businesses and residents fled to suburbia, city officials would dream of a public project to attract out-of-towners.
More restaurants have opened in recent years, even as businesses have fled downtown for the suburbs.