The decision "calls into question the constitutionality of all state income tax and related business incentives," the appeal brief added.
In practice, neither of the merger partners would have much business incentive to deal exclusively only with each other.
Such zones provide tax breaks and other business incentives to companies locating there.
In 1970, the company moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba because of business incentives.
Many of his accomplishments have been oriented around law-enforcement and small business incentives.
Finally, a recession undermines the business incentive to engage in fixed investment.
The state stashes $425 million in this fund every year, a sum above and beyond the standard business incentives that Pennsylvania already offers.
The city plans to offer job training, low-interest loans, day care and other business incentives.
Nevertheless, the Mayor's proposals for new business incentives were clearly meant to demonstrate concern over the loss of manufacturing jobs.
The combination of tax credits and business incentives your office has put together to keep businesses in the city is particularly impressive.