In the anime Shangri-la, the arcology called Atlas stands behind a Tokyo abandoned after a devastating earthquake in the 2060s.
"You can't just say no," said Goldberg, who has developed preventive programs called Atlas and Athena.
They recently completed a program, called Atlas, that is supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and is aimed at reducing steroid use among young male athletes.
Results from two of the collider's detectors, called Atlas and CMS, suggested "bumps" in their data that might prove first glimpse of the Higgs.
"It's called Atlas."
In the early 1990s, Monk composed an opera called Atlas, which premiered in Houston, Texas in 1991.
There's a really crappy book by Ayn Rand called Atlas Shrugged.
Approval of the European-Sprint venture, to be called Atlas, is valid for only five years.
"I have come here in search of one called Atlas."
Together Apollo and I had rescued Prometheus, and then had managed, or at least survived, an encounter with the entity called Atlas.