Terry Sullivan has since recorded an album called South of Winter with a studio group he named Renaissant.
Every year, the company produces a huge event that encompasses music, film and interactive exhibits, events and panel discussions called South by Southwest.
The college consists of two campuses, Main (also called South) and North.
Streets are called "South" if they are south of King or Queenston.
He starred in a 1993 TV series called South of Sunset.
Here, in the area that San Franciscans called "South of the Slot," the buildings were all wood and frame.
I kept seeing large billboards featuring a cartoon of a Mexican, advertising a place called South of the Border.
The former were called Phillip North and South, and the latter was simply called the Apartment Division.
Les Tuniques Bleues spawned a 1989 computer game called North and South.
Often called dirty South, it was more dance-oriented and melodic and raunchier than hip-hop from either coast.