The sum of all these classes of funds is the capital employed in the company.
This ratio in turn depends on the relative rate of growth of capital employed and of output produced.
As seen in Figure 3.2, capital employed divides between fixed assets and current assets.
Return on capital employed is an accounting ratio used in finance, valuation, and accounting.
Ratio analysis, which produces such measures as return on capital employed and liquidity measures, is the best example of this.
The saving is $5,000,000 per each of the $200,000,000 of capital employed in the jacquard business over there.
The return on capital employed is expected to be lower than the cost of capital in the first financial year of ownership.
It also predicts a 20% return on capital employed in 1993.
On the contrary, capital employed in the trade was had already been directed to sectors such as enterprises of urban services, transport, banking and trade.
The whole French capital annually employed in it would annually be distributed among the people of France.