The Arab accounts also claim that the Muslims captured Gregory's daughter, who had fought at her father's side.
It was at this time that an Iroquois raiding party may have captured his daughter, the woman who, according to some interpretations, became "Madame Montour".
There they learn that the evil King Ymelot has not only captured King Constantine, but his daughter as well.
Capturing the professor's daughter, the princess blackmails the professor into creating a Inframan for her.
At Prome, a counter-attack by Ava forces captured Razadarit's daughter, whom Minkhaung raised to be queen.
Former Company employee Noah Bennet captures Elle for collateral, as Bob had captured his daughter, Claire.
It is a new and more daring step than ever to try to capture your chief and his daughter, the Voivodin, whom you love.
An evil entity known as Death Adder has captured the King and his daughter, and holds them captive in their castle.
The way to do this will be to capture his daughter, who is dear to him, and bring her to Granbretan as a hostage.
He eventually kills the Mist's son in battle and captures both the Mist and his daughter Nash, who vows revenge.