Longer term, none of this is disastrous, or even necessarily bad news, for the centre left.
When they started together, Sanders played center and Kelly left in 11 games.
I find people described as "centre left" to very right wing.
The paper can be best expressed as centre left though its writers' views range across the political spectrum.
The center was leaving its downtown building and following its members as they moved out toward the suburbs.
Leonidas paused now, in the center of the space left open for him by the troops.
The center has been in constant motion, bouncing right and left throughout our history.
Tribert sat in the center left, participated in several commissions.
You can also toss a hardwood log on a conventional charcoal fire, center left.
Mr. Yeltsin's idea was that if the center could just huddle together, the right and left would not have a chance.