The Tigers were unable to recapture their championship form throughout the rest of the '90's.
Now he has been given a second chance by the Giants, who say the team needs discipline to return to championship form.
But with 11 minutes 16 seconds left in the game, Connecticut's championship form suddenly reappeared.
Taken seriously by players, it offered a good indicator of a team's upcoming championship form.
The Devils seem to be regaining their championship form.
In May, he seemed to be in championship form when he jumped 28 feet, 7 1/2 inches.
Jordan's return would not necessarily return the Bulls to championship form.
If the Heat does indeed return to championship form, the Nets could bear the brunt of it.
Whether they can return to championship form before the season is halfway through remains to be seen.
That is the Dallas goal: to recapture its championship form heading into the playoffs.