First, a chance to be heard in their own place, without the limitations imposed by the popular magazine.
Then back to Fay: "These are images and voices from homeless people who want a chance to be seen and heard."
The city should have allowed for competitive bidding, Mr. Weiner said, as he called for "an open process where the community gets a chance to be heard, where other developers get a chance to be heard."
All too often in life children aren't given a voice or the chance to be heard.
In fact Somalia has human resources that can cover its urgent needs, if they get the chance to be heard, but their presence inside the country will be the key factor and more influential, rather than debating on TV.s to solve their differences.
All the group members get a chance to also be heard outfront when they sing the last word of each of the song's three verses in a five-part harmony (Bryant, Williams, Kendricks, Otis Williams, and Melvin Franklin respectively).
The court also said that the constitutional issue should not be resolved in twenty-four hours, but with both sides having a chance to be heard on the merits by submitting briefs.
Besides being an odd epilogue, Ms. Steele's trial offers another chance for many of the scandal's main players to be heard yet again.