A single glow, replacing the other image; greenness through all his vision, but things circled outside it... not hostile-other.
The men danced in a circle around their fire, while a performer shook a rattle as he circled outside them.
They sat in rockers on the porch, the heat of their skin escaping into the cool evening, cicadas humming and mosquitoes circling just outside the screen.
We circled once, at screaming speed, well outside the null.
Lori checked through Abraham high overhead, keeping the bird circling outside the clearing.
Whoever sent it is circling outside the system's gravity well.
The near-dogs grew bolder; they circled just outside the diamond tip of her pike, darted occasionally inwards.
With battered pickup trucks circled like modern-day covered wagons outside the crossroads community center, the neighbors waited in vain for militia members to arrive.
It circled just outside the atmospheric level while the men aboard studied the surface for its secrets.
Apparently they took the first-ever direct photographs of a new (to us) planet circling a star outside our solar system.