Mr. Nelyubin estimated the cost of such proxy candidates at $100,000, but he denied having one, citing tight finances.
Today, he cited his family, the Mets' ability to win and finances as his three main reasons for signing with the team he dominated in the 1988 N.L. Championship Series.
On February 1, 2010, Ernst & Young closed all eight GEOS schools in Australia permanently, citing insufficient finances to continue carrying out business in Australia.
On March 19, 2012, Aveos filed for creditors' protection under CCAA, citing corporate finances and relations with its main client, Air Canada.
He cited finances as the primary reason for dismissing the professors.
On Wednesday, former Senator Paul Laxalt cited inadequate finances as the reason for his withdrawal from the Republican Presidential race.
Two days earlier, Gov. Richard Celeste of Ohio cited finances in his decision not to seek the Democratic nomination.
Moody's Investors Service raised Russia's foreign-currency debt rating one notch today, citing the country's rapid economic growth and vastly improved finances.
Mr. Levy cited finances as another pressing issue.
Citing strong finances, the agency's executive director, Edward Gross, certified at a board meeting in New Brunswick that an increase was not necessary in 1998.