In 1940, Houston was a city of 400,000 population dependent on shipping and oil.
About 28% of the people live in cities of 100,000 or more population.
A decade ago, Newark ranked ninth in car theft per 100,000 people among cities of more than 50,000 population, with 6,424 cars stolen.
It is a fairly large facility for a city of 12,000 population and has a complete computer internet center.
This is the highest rate among cities of 250,000 population or larger.
It is also planned to build the modern city of 100,000 population by the airport.
There were only 12 cities of more than 5,000 population, as the great majority of the people were farmers.
This is my program: I suggest that a city of more than 100,000 population be selected by lot.
He carried nearly every city of 50,000 population, while Bryan swept the rural South and Mountain states.
Its nearest city of at least one million population is Adelaide, Australia.