The events claimed 12 deaths, 10 of which were of the attackers themselves.
Glubb claimed 600 deaths on the first assault and 600 others for the two after.
The blast caused at least 97 deaths (other sources claim 105 deaths), with a further 40 wounded.
A fire in the Kalverstraat on May 9, 1977, claimed 33 deaths.
The Vietnamese claimed three million deaths, while foreign experts long considered the number closer to one million.
These frames were not reliable and also very dangerous, claiming two deaths in the defense of Edinburgh when it was being set.
Iraqi doctors claim at least 7 deaths and 12 injuries.
The Soviet government refused to acknowledge the incident until 1989, then claiming only 78 deaths.
Most academic sources claim 20,000 deaths, although some put the death toll as low as 1000.