Starting today, the league will require that both coaches wear the microphones and levy fines of at least $100,000 if they refuse.
The coach calling the plays wears a headset attached to a little black box worn on his belt.
The coach wore a heavy jacket and the ball boys covered their heads with green woolen Jets hats today.
Lee doesn't pay coaches to wear his gear.
Because the coach did not wear the microphone in a game March 12, the Raptors were fined $100,000.
"If the opposing coach is wearing headphones, you don't have to worry about him," he said.
Polsky said his company does not force coaches to wear their designs or products.
Several coaches, who routinely spend hours in the practice field sun, are wearing wide-brimmed hats this summer.
Managers or coaches sometimes wear such jewelry as a spur, perhaps, to their young charges.
There is so much chemistry talk that coaches might wear lab coats, not warm-up suits.